How do you feel most of the time?

       Are you anxious or worried a lot?

       Are you depressed?

       Do you feel powerless?

       Do you dislike or doubt yourself?
       Are relationships challenging for you? Do you feel lonely and alone?
       Do happiness and inner peace feel out of reach to you?

Before coaching (1)

These are all very common symptoms of either childhood trauma or a childhood lacking in the right kind of attention.

No matter what your childhood was like or what you’re feeling, there is a  solution to feeling better permanently!

What we think and how we feel in any moment is always governed by our  memories. So if we are carrying memories that still contain fear, pain, anger, resentment or, most importantly, powerlessness, then our choices and actions now will always be limited by those feelings and past experiences.

With the MAP Healing Method, we can change this! This method, based entirely on neuroscience, enables us to go back to the original memories when particular thoughts, memories and patterns actually formed. We neutralize the feelings of fear,  powerlessness or inadequacy and we transform the associated beliefs.  After MAP sessions, you have the capacity to choose your beliefs, make new choices and shift from powerlessness to empowered, happy and at ease.

Sound too good to be true? Find out for yourself!

This could be YOUR LIFE after MAP.

“Agreeing to try MAP didn’t just improve my feelings about my life right now. It has somehow been able to transform my memories and feelings about my childhood and early life. I see now that I’ve carried the feelings of being not enough my entire life, and that it has colored everything! And now I’m actually moving beyond that, to knowing and feeling that of course I am enough!

I’m so grateful for MAP. It has completely changed my life and my ideas about what is possible.”        
~ Kim F

Are you ready for something new?

Feel happier now with the five fastest steps to change your mind and mood!