Your Quiz Results:

Congratulations! Your actions and choices clearly demonstrate your commitment to yourself and to taking aligned action. This whole-hearted commitment to using your intuition to staying in alignment has tangible benefits, many of which you can see and some of which may still be taking physical form. For example,

  • You likely remember many moments in your life that were confusing and perhaps even quite painful in the moment but make sense in hindsight. They happened at exactly the right time in order to allow for a specific set of circumstances.
  • You understand periods of inaction – their relevance to your growth and significance in the overall arc of your life.
  • Connections to people, both positive and negative, and the lessons they brought to you make sense.
  • Because of all of these, you trust your inner guidance and are committed to following that, even in moments when it doesn’t seem to make sense.
  • You have a strong sense of the overall arc of your life.

Your key question: There is always more to be revealed, so the key question for someone at this stage of intuitive development is “What else is possible?

~ Know that this level of alignment demonstrates a certain level of evolution now as well as the potential for exponential growth in the future. But with this level of evolution comes both the capacity and the responsibility to serve. How can you step into service more selflessly, more deeply? How do you need to grow to be able to do that? How might your life need to change for that to be possible?

~ What fears are you still being affected by? We cannot continue to progress unless we are willing to fully turn towards those fears, face them head on and walk right through them.

Here’s something that will help you develop your intuition further.

Intuitive Living Cards

62-card deck with extra-large (3.5 x 5″) cards with silky, matte finish and stunning, fine-art images of nature to:

  • Cultivate and deepen your intuition
  • Replace self-doubt with clarity and confidence
  • And raise your vibration


  • Online library of guided exercises and videos
  • Full-color online booklet with expanded descriptions of the cards

Feel happier now with the five fastest steps to change your mind and mood!